What is Design-Led Transformation?

A Human-centered, Technology Agnostic, Approach to Change

Successful digital transformations depend upon user and customer adoption; thus, great user and customer experiences are critical to achieving successful outcomes.

When exceptional service designs are integrated, configured, and mapped to a human-centric, well-designed, aspirational customer journey; the results will be a delightful customer experience.

DLT Phases Overview

1 Discover

Executive leadership defines the vision, objectives, scope, and success criteria. Data and insights from customers are gathered through research, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis. These insights are used to understand the customer’s wants, needs, and pain points.

2 Define

Cross functional teams participate in Design Thinking Workshops. The workshops provide participants with an immersive, collaborative process for empathizing with users, defining problems, brainstorming solutions, prototyping them, and testing their effectiveness. The workshops promote open dialogue, encourage divergent thinking and support iterative improvements with the ultimate aim of producing innovative user-focused outcomes.

Journey maps are utilized to visually represent and analyze a user’s experience with a product or service, capturing their interactions, emotions, and touchpoints throughout the entire process. Current (as-is) end-to-end customer journeys are mapped and validated. Participants also collaborate to create a holistic view of the aspirational (to-be) end-to-end journey, highlighting the desired outcomes.

Once gaps between what exists today and the desired state is identified, high-level features, new technologies, or upgrades to existing technologies and business processes necessary to close the gaps and deliver desired outcomes can be determined.

Scoping exercises are used to estimate the efforts needed to develop new features, integrate new technologies, and enhance existing digital systems and business processes.

3 Develop

Features are prioritized, and requirements are orchestrated in an Agile manner. Themes, epics, stories, and tasks are written and entered into a backlog. UX design begins, and stakeholders collaborate iteratively as the UX and associated UIs evolve. As features are groomed and accepted by dev teams, development begins. Rapid prototypes may be developed for validation.

4 Deliver

Features are delivered, and testing begins (integration, UAT, regression, etc.). When new features are deployed to the market, monitoring and evaluations begin. Adjustments, improvements, and innovations are continuous and based on data analytics and customer feedback.